OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) also known as a Digital Footprint, is the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity.

Why does a digital footprint matter?

  • They are relatively permanent, and once the data is public – or even semi-public, as may be the case with Facebook posts - the owner has little control over how others will use it.

  • A digital footprint can determine a person’s digital reputation, which is now considered as important as their offline reputation.

  • Employers can check their potential employees’ digital footprints, particularly their social media, before making hiring decisions. Colleges and universities can check their prospective students’ digital footprints before accepting them too.

  • Words and photos which you post online can be misinterpreted or altered, causing unintentional offense.

  • Content intended for a private group can spread to a broader circle, potentially damaging relationships and friendships.

  • Cybercriminals can exploit your digital footprint – using it for purposes such as phishing for account access or creating false identities based on your data.

How it works

  • As our lives become more digital we forget how messy our digital footprint can become, this footprint is called OSINT (Open Source Inteligence). Hackers use OSINT to identify technical vulnerabilities as well as human targets for phishing and social engineering attacks. As a result, our team will run a comprehensive OSINT investigation into your digital footprint to see how exposed you are, after this we will use defensive and offensive techniques to limit your digital presence and your digital footprint.